About Me

About Me







Hello, everyone! I'm Qing, and after eight years of studying in the U.S., I’ve now settled in beautiful Seattle with my husband. I’ve been working in the tech industry for six years, and we’re raising our adorable daughter and a very clingy ginger cat.

During the pandemic, I found myself feeling lost, so I turned to reading, which helped me shape my values and my vision for life. I’m drawn to a minimalist lifestyle, focusing my time and energy on what truly matters. Here, I hope to document my journey, share my insights, help others, and continually grow with gratitude.

I’m passionate about the little joys in life: DIY projects, photography, cooking, dancing, and making new friends. I was once a carefree soul, not knowing where I was headed; now, I have a clear vision and a grounded path forward. I’m no longer lost or anxious about what lies ahead.

In 2023, I fulfilled a personal dream of becoming a mother before turning 30. Just a year ago, I was still figuring out the impact of my family background and knew almost nothing about parenting. In 2024, as working parents without family nearby, my husband and I have overcome numerous parenting challenges through learning and practice, creating our own parenting style along the way.

I used to work in a role shaped by others, filled with anxiety and doubt; in 2024, I am steadily building a life by my own design.

Between the busy days of parenting and family life, I share my learnings here on this blog and invite friends to join me on my podcast. If you share a similar journey or background, or if you’re curious about my path to transformation, I invite you to follow along on my blog and podcast as we explore book lists, reflections, and insights together!

Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!